
Aliases: 02

Indications: SpO2 < 94%, signs of respiratory distress or failure, signs of hypoxia or hypoxemia, exposure to toxic gasses        

Contraindications: None in the emergency setting 


Various sized oxygen tanks



Indication Dose Route Note 
Hypoxia  1-25 lpm Inhaled Titrate to saturation of 92-96%
Exposure to toxic gasses 15-25 lpm Inhaled Regardless of saturation
Pre-airway placement25 lpm Inhaled Nasal Cannula before and during airway placement 


Indication Dose Route Note 
Hypoxia  1-25 lpm Inhaled Titrate to saturation of 92-96%
Exposure to toxic gasses 15-25 lpm Inhaled Regardless of saturation
Pre-airway placement25 lpm Inhaled Nasal Cannula before and during airway placement 
Use Handtevy or Approved Pediatric Reference Guide for Amount to Administer


Adverse/Side Effects: Excessive oxygenation can be harmful, especially with neonates, therefore titrate flow rates and frequently assess oxygen needs. Can dry mucous membranes, prolong high concentration therapy can affect respiratory drive and consciousness of COPD patients.

Class: Naturally occurring atmospheric gas  

Mechanism of Action: Reverses hypoxemia 

Onset of ActionPeak EffectDuration of Action 
ImmediateRapid<2 minutes