
Aliases: Ventolin, Proventil, Proair 

Indications: Bronchospasm with or without wheezing, hyperkalemia 

Contraindications:  None in the emergency setting


Nebulization: 2.5mg/3mL (prefilled)



Indication Dose Route Note 
Bronchospasm 5 mg NebulizedMay repeat every 5 mins (no limit)
Hyperkalemia10-20 mgNebulizedContinuous as needed


Indication Dose Route Note 
Bronchospasm2.5 mgNebulizedMay repeat every 5 mins (no limit)
Hyperkalemia10 mgNebulizedContinuous as needed
Use Handtevy or Approved Pediatric Reference Guide for Amount to Administer 

Precautions: None

Adverse/Side Effects: Palpitations, Tachycardia, Anxiety, Nervousness, Dizziness, HA, Tremor, N/V, Less frequent HTN, Dysrhythmias, Chest Pain   

Class: Beta2 Agonist, Sympathomimetic 

Mechanism of Action:

Acts selectively on Beta2 receptor sites in the lungs, relaxing bronchial smooth muscle, decreasing airway resistance, relief of bronchospasm, and drives potassium intracellularly. Although Albuterol is beta selective, it will cause some CNS stimulation, cardiac stimulation, increased diuresis, & gastric acid secretion. 

Onset of ActionPeak EffectDuration of Action 
< 5 minutes30 minutes3 to 6 hours